Forest Circle Society for Families

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Do I need to pay for days that I don’t use?

Upon registration, families establish their ongoing schedule of attendance. Days missed due to illness, vacation, or unanticipated closures such as snow days are not reimbursed.

What are my payment options?

Fees can be paid with cash, cheque, e-transfer or pre-authorized debit (PAD). As very little cash is kept on site, please either bring exact change or expect to have the remainder credited to your following month’s fees. The PAD requires a form to be completed.

How does the billing work? 

Families receive a monthly invoice for the upcoming month for any fees not covered by Affordable Child Care Benefit. Families are asked to pay the monthly fees by the 8th of the month. Families and managers may establish an alternative payment schedule on an individual basis.

What fees are charged?

In addition to the monthly fees, which can include half days up to 4.25 hours, full days up to 8.5 hours and extended days over 8.5 hours (see the chart), families that are not Campbell River Young Parents’ Program participants pay a $25 one time registration fee and an annual Society membership fee of $5. Fees for late pickups may also be charged at the rate of $1 per minute. There is a $2 fee to get set up for pre-authorized debits and a $20 NSF fee.

What else should I bring with my child?

We ask that you bring diapers as required, as well as an extra set of clothing. Children will be going outside and doing messy art work, so please dress them accordingly. Please feel welcome to bring special comfort items (soother, blankie, stuffie) but please leave other toys at home.

Please put your child’s name on items from home, including clothing, especially items that come off and on like jackets and hats and footwear.

Do I need to pack food for my child?

Other than bottles, the centres provide all the food, including lunches, for the Infant and Toddler programs. Bottles need to come from home. In the 3-5 year old program at Forest Circle, children bring their lunches from home and the centre provides morning and afternoon snacks. Both centres are permitted as Food Serving Establishments and have a Food Safety Plan.

What is your Snow Policy?

The short answer is that we tend to mirror the public school district’s closures, but it isn’t exactly the same. For our full snow/weather policy, visit our Snow Policy page.

Is there a wait list?

Yes, both centres typically have wait lists, with priority for space going to student families and children with extra support needs. At Forest Circle Child Care, North Island College/Timberline faculty and staff also have some priority for space, as well as families who were previously served by Cari’s Infant and Toddler Centre. Families on the waitlist are advised to check in periodically.

How do I register?

Both Cari’s and Forest Circle invite families into the centres to visit, to ensure that the setting is a fit for your family. Once a space has been offered and accepted, managers (Gwen and Kyla) help parents through the registration process. Families need to provide the child’s immunization record and personal health number, as well as information about emergency contacts and pick up authorizations. Families receive information about policies and procedures and agree to comply with the expectations.

In order to register for either centre, please find the phone numbers on our contact page.